architecture can
LECTURE BY ISRAEL ALBA. RÍO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL 25/03/2013 // Lectures and teaching

International meeting about waste and architecture at Instituto Cervantes in Río de Janeiro, Brazil

Under the title “Infrastructure and Development in Contemporary Society: Needs and Oportunities”, this International Meeting intends to provide an open space to discuss the importance of infrastructures in the contemporary city, in terms of sustainability and to review the experiences and current possibilities of the power, mobility, waste management, water or public utilities, which are essential for the development of planned environmentally sustainable cities in terms of productivity and socio-economic development.

Brazil experiences and historical moment, and a crucial challenge, and has favourable prospects in the International scenario due to the huge sport events coming up in the following years. These aspects, undoubtedly, are an occasion to discuss the transformation and improvement of big cities infrastructures focusing on improving public spaces and the quality of life of its inhabitants.

Israel Alba
Manuel Castillo
Sergio Marta
Gunter Kohlsdorf
Raquel Naves Blumenschein
Ione Carvalho
Nahya Caju
Ana Elisabete Almeida Medeiros
Fermín Vázquez

Organizing entities:
Instituto Cervantes (Brasilia)

Cooperating entities:
Spanish Embassy (Brazil)
University of Brasilia / Universidade de Brasília
Ministry of Culture (Brazil) / Ministério da Cultura (Brazil)
Secretary of housing and urban development / Secretaria de Habitação, Regularização e Desenvolvimento urbano – SEDHAB